Page 23 – Thesaurus

May God bless and reward all those who have contributed, whether directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, to this website, and everyone who aids in the spread of knowledge and truth.
While browsing this website, you may have come across a few Arabic words and acronyms:

  • Allah: Arabic word for God.
  • “Insha Allah” is undoubtedly the most frequently uttered phrase on Earth each day, spoken by the planet’s 1.9 billion Muslims anywhere from 1 to 50 times daily. The phrase means “God willing” or “if God wills it,” and Muslims use it whenever referring to something in the future near or far, if you ever visit a Muslim country you will hear inshaAllah everywhere you go all day long.
  • Hadith: Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) sayings.
  • Sunnah: includes everything the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, did, and approved of.
  • (pbuh): means “Peace be upon him”. It will be used every time the name of a prophet is mentioned.
  • Fatwa: Islamic law issued by an Islamic scholar.

“This website, along with the Ajr (good deeds) it generates, is dedicated to my father, Tahar, and my mother, Chantal Mauricette, a Muslim with a gentle soul. May they both rest in peace, Insha Allah. Be kind and make Dua (supplication) for them. Without my mother’s sacrifice, I would not have acquired this knowledge.”