Today we shot a video with joram van klaveren. How did Joram Van Klaveren became a Muslim? He told us his journey of becoming muslim. How was his life in regards to faith? Joram van Klavaren got over 2000 death threats. He couldn't sleep for it for two days. Anti islamist politician became a muslim. Joram van klavaren anti islamist. Anti islamist politician converted to islam. Member of Freedom Party has became a Muslim. Joram van klavaren was wanted to write anti islam book. Interesting story of Joram van Klavaren becoming a Muslim. How did an anti-Islam politician become a Muslim? How is Islamophobia in Europe? Joram Van Klaveren shares his story of how he became Muslim. Dutch former politician converted to islam. Why people in europe becoming muslim? Reverting to islam. Muslim writer in europe is Islam. Muslims in europe. islamafobia. islamafobia in europe. Is islamafobia increasing in europe?Would you like to improve yourself in Islam and be part of the Towards Eternity team? can help us make more and better quality Islamic content:
►for monthly donation:
►for one-time donation: can ask your questions here:
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►WhatsApp: +90 536 777 51 02Do you wanna learn some practical Islamic information?
So, you can check our online education! It's totally Free!
Apple: you wanna learn read Qur'an?
So, you can check our online education! It's totally Free!
Apple: is our 5 Alive App. You can start praying 5 times a day with it.
Apple: can start with a different language, but it has an English option. 👍🏻😊
Download and start your journey. 🙋🏻‍♂️00:00 Intro
01:42 How was your life in regards to faith? What did you believe in?
03:09 How and why did you decide to write an anti-Islamic book?
05:52 What resources did you use while doing your research?
09:33 What surprised you the most while doing your research?
10:46 Shahada moment
12:36 What was the reaction of the people around you? When you became muslim?
15:28 How did you feel when you made your first Salah?
15:52 What were the three biggest challenges you faced when you converted to Islam?
16:48 Are you raising your kids as muslim?
17:29 What was your heaviest and most regretful expression that you used for Islam?
18:42 How should people research about Islam?
19:42 What would you like to say as your final comments?

Today we shot a video with joram van klaveren. How did Joram Van Klaveren became a Muslim? He told us his journey of becoming muslim. How was his life in regards to faith? Joram van Klavaren got over 2000 death threats. He couldn't sleep for it for two days. Anti islamist politician became a muslim. Joram van klavaren anti islamist. Anti islamist politician converted to islam. Member of Freedom Party has became a Muslim. Joram van klavaren was wanted to write anti islam book. Interesting story of Joram van Klavaren becoming a Muslim. How did an anti-Islam politician become a Muslim? How is Islamophobia in Europe? Joram Van Klaveren shares his story of how he became Muslim. Dutch former politician converted to islam. Why people in europe becoming muslim? Reverting to islam. Muslim writer in europe is Islam. Muslims in europe. islamafobia. islamafobia in europe. Is islamafobia increasing in europe?

Would you like to improve yourself in Islam and be part of the Towards Eternity team?

You can help us make more and better quality Islamic content:
►WhatsApp: +90 536 777 51 02

If you are reading this, then what are you waiting for subscribing this channel? 🙂
Also, please share your comment with just touching some words, maybe these touches can touch someone's heart...
Eventually, don't forget to share this video with loved ones, huh? You know it's important.

00:00 Intro
01:42 How was your life in regards to faith? What did you believe in?
03:09 How and why did you decide to write an anti-Islamic book?
05:52 What resources did you use while doing your research?
09:33 What surprised you the most while doing your research?
10:46 Shahada moment
12:36 What was the reaction of the people around you? When you became muslim?
15:28 How did you feel when you made your first Salah?
15:52 What were the three biggest challenges you faced when you converted to Islam?
16:48 Are you raising your kids as muslim?
17:29 What was your heaviest and most regretful expression that you used for Islam?
18:42 How should people research about Islam?
19:42 What would you like to say as your final comments?

If you want to start praying 5 times a day, check our Free Application:
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333.2K 21K


While Writing Anti-Islam Book He Became Muslim! - The Story of Joram Van Klaveren

Why I Chose Islam Channel September 15, 2022 1:07 pm

Ramadan TV New Muslim Stories Abdallah Seymour

Why I Chose Islam Channel August 19, 2018 2:25 pm

Australians Converting To Islam and Increasing Islam popularity.

Why I Chose Islam Channel September 4, 2016 9:49 am

Hello guys. Today we will take a look at another different life story in our tough questions concept. Just as every person has a unique story, Gabriel will tell us how he preferred Islam. By sharing this video with the people you love, you can help it reach more people. Take care of yourself.You can help us make more and better quality Islamic content:
►for monthly donation:
►for one-time donation: can ask your questions here:
► Follow Us On Instagram:
►WhatsApp: +90 536 777 51 02Do you wanna learn some practical Islamic information?
So, you can check our online education! It's totally Free!
Apple: you wanna learn read Qur'an?
So, you can check our online education! It's totally Free!
Apple: is our 5 Alive App. You can start praying 5 times a day with it.
Apple: can start with a different language, but it has an English option. 👍🏻😊
Download and start your journey. 🙋🏻‍♂️00:00 Intro
00:47 Can you tell us briefly about your life?
01:27 How was your life in regards to faith? What were you believing in?
02:23 What was the thing that made you question your beliefs?
05:56 After leaving Christianity. How did you come closer to Islam?
08:32 What else happened that attracted you more to Islam?
09:24 What happened that you finally decided to become a Muslim?
10:43 What were the final steps of your journey to Islam?
12:07 How did your family and the people around you reacted to your conversion to Islam?
13:32 Were the Islamic practices like making Salah, five times a day or fasting for a whole month difficult for you at first?
14:06 What are the three biggest challenges you faced when you converted to Islam?
15:18 What fascinated you the most after becoming a muslim?
16:24 What is the trait of the prophet (saw) that impressed you the most?
17:10 Give me one important point about Islam that you want the non-Muslims to know!
17:55 What projects are you doing right now?
18:36 What would you like to say as your final comments?

Hello guys. Today we will take a look at another different life story in our tough questions concept. Just as every person has a unique story, Gabriel will tell us how he preferred Islam. By sharing this video with the people you love, you can help it reach more people. Take care of yourself.

You can help us make more and better quality Islamic content:
►WhatsApp: +90 536 777 51 02

00:00 Intro
00:47 Can you tell us briefly about your life?
01:27 How was your life in regards to faith? What were you believing in?
02:23 What was the thing that made you question your beliefs?
05:56 After leaving Christianity. How did you come closer to Islam?
08:32 What else happened that attracted you more to Islam?
09:24 What happened that you finally decided to become a Muslim?
10:43 What were the final steps of your journey to Islam?
12:07 How did your family and the people around you reacted to your conversion to Islam?
13:32 Were the Islamic practices like making Salah, five times a day or fasting for a whole month difficult for you at first?
14:06 What are the three biggest challenges you faced when you converted to Islam?
15:18 What fascinated you the most after becoming a muslim?
16:24 What is the trait of the prophet (saw) that impressed you the most?
17:10 Give me one important point about Islam that you want the non-Muslims to know!
17:55 What projects are you doing right now?
18:36 What would you like to say as your final comments?

You can ask your questions here:
► Follow Us On Instagram:
►WhatsApp: +90 536 777 51 02

Do you wanna learn some practical Islamic information?
So, you can check our online education! It's totally Free!
►App Store:
►Play Store:

53.6K 3K


''My Muslim Friend Was Praying Like Jesus!'' - Incredible Revert Story of Gabriel Al Romaani

Why I Chose Islam Channel December 24, 2022 11:11 am

- شاهد أجمل لحظات البكاء😢عند نطق الشهادة☝️للمسلمات الجدد في العالم /  Women Accepts Islam
- أخبار سيئة .. لمن يكرهون الإسلام  ، لأن النساء وبنات العالم الغربي يدخلون في الإسلام أفواجا
-  رابط القناة على تيلجرام :
👈 لا تنسوا الاشتراك في القناة.. ( Subscribe - إشتراك ) @iLovuAllah1
مع تفعيل جرس  التنبيهات 🔔 لكي يصلكم إشعار بكل ما هو جديد ..
👈 ملاحظة : وضع الإعجاب للفيديو (👍) وكتابة التعليق ، يساعد على انتشاره ، وظهوره للناس بشكل أكثر، وتوعية عدد أكبر
ـ بامكانكم متابعة آخر الأخبار من خلال شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي : - فيس بوك :ـ  نهاية العالم نبوءة نبي End of the world prophecy prophet على الفيسبوك   FACEBOOK
--------------------------------------------------------------رابط القناة الثانية  :ـ نعيم الجنة ـ 10 دقائق في الجنة🌹تنسيك كل هموم الدنيا🌹 ستتمنى ألا ينتهي الفيديوـ من شدة جمال المقطع لم أجد وصفا يليق به | هذا هو الله ؟ أنشودة رائعة عن الحجاب/ إنا سمعنا أختنا قولا عجاب ( فيديو كليب )My Hijabـ  11 دليلاً على صحة الإسلامـ عقوبة ( الزاني والزانية ) في الأخرة ـ كما رأها النبيﷺـ أنشودة :💖 زوجتي ملاك💖 ( فيديو كليب )nasheed My wife is an angelـ ياجبريل تضيع أمتي الصلاة . .!! { فخلف من بعدهم خلف أضاعوا الصلاة }ـ  يامن عصيت الله يوما غافلا ــ أنشودة جميلة ـ فيديو كليب[HD] أداء عبد الله المهداويـ ظهور المهدي .. قريبا جدًا (وأننا في أخر الزمان ) ، دلالات وإشاراتـ  نهاية العالم : وصف رائع لأحداث القيامة 😢 ستبكي على حالك ـ The day of judgementـ ماهر زين | video clip نشيد الجنة : ( باللغة الإنجليزية ـ Maher Zain - Jannah (Englishـ أحاديث الفتن : النبي محمد ﷺ يحذر أمته من ( فتن أخر الزمان )ـ النشيد المبكى (فرشى التراب) ـ فيديو كليب جديد 2018 ـ Life In The Grave ـ Beautiful nasheedـ من هو الله ؟ من أجمل ماسمعت ..ستبكي عينك من معرفتهقال رسول اللهﷺ"‏ إِنَّ الدَّالَّ عَلَى الْخَيْرِ كَفَاعِلِهِ ‏"‏ - حديث صحيح"Whoever leads to good, he is like the one who does it." - Authentic Narrationادعمنا بإعجابك، وتعليقك، ونشرك لمقاطعنا لتشاركنا اﻷجر بإذن الله تعالىSupport us with your Like, Comment & Share our videos to share with us the reward In sha Allah.
نسمح للجميع بترجمة أعمالنا ونشرها مع الإحتفاظ بشعار القناة وإدراج الرابط الخاص بنا في صندوق الوصف.We allow anyone to translate our content and re-share with keeping our logo in the videos and adding the channel link in description box.ذكر الله ، الذاكرون الله كثيرا ، الدعاء المستجاب ، دعوة ، أذكار الصباح ، حديث نبوي ، علامات الساعة ، غزة ، الشام ، القدس
نشيد ، أنشودة ، أغنية ، أغاني ، ماهر زين ، القرآن ، مشاري العفاسي ، أجمل الأصوات ، قلوب خاشعة ، التدبر ، التأمل
الخشوع في الصلاة ، رمضان ، مسابقة القرآن ، شباب ، هولندا ، فرنسا ، بريطانيا ، المسلمون الجدد ، السعودية ، مكة ، المدينة
المسلمون الجدد ، نطق الشهادة ، أجمل اللحظات ، السعادة ، حب ، إيمان ، التقوى ، الدعاة إلى الله ، المسلمات الجدد#الاسلام #muslims
British read quran cryReciting Quran in London
convert to Islam
Best Quran Recitation in the World
Beautiful Voice | Amazing Quran Recitation
nasheed beautiful
تلاوة مؤثرة  | Surah taha Breathtaking Beautiful Quran Recitation
Youngest convert to Islam
Islam Change my Life || Convert to Islam || Reverts to Islam || from Christian to Muslim
Women Emotional Shahada
Women Accepts Islam
لحظات رهيبة لأجانب ينطقون الشهادة الله اكبر
Emotional Woman Cries Shahadah
shahada #revert #shortfeed #newmuslim #convert #faithjourney
Don't Cry😢While Watching This Video.!! Emotional Shahada   Convert To Islam   Revert To Muslim

- شاهد أجمل لحظات البكاء😢عند نطق الشهادة☝️للمسلمات الجدد في العالم / Women Accepts Islam
- أخبار سيئة .. لمن يكرهون الإسلام ، لأن النساء وبنات العالم الغربي يدخلون في الإسلام أفواجا
- رابط القناة على تيلجرام :
👈 لا تنسوا الاشتراك في القناة.. ( Subscribe - إشتراك ) @iLovuAllah1
مع تفعيل جرس التنبيهات 🔔 لكي يصلكم إشعار بكل ما هو جديد ..
👈 ملاحظة : وضع الإعجاب للفيديو (👍) وكتابة التعليق ، يساعد على انتشاره ، وظهوره للناس بشكل أكثر، وتوعية عدد أكبر
ـ بامكانكم متابعة آخر الأخبار من خلال شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي : - فيس بوك :

ـ نهاية العالم نبوءة نبي End of the world prophecy prophet على الفيسبوك FACEBOOK

رابط القناة الثانية :


ـ نعيم الجنة ـ 10 دقائق في الجنة🌹تنسيك كل هموم الدنيا🌹 ستتمنى ألا ينتهي الفيديو

ـ من شدة جمال المقطع لم أجد وصفا يليق به | هذا هو الله ؟

- أنشودة رائعة عن الحجاب/ إنا سمعنا أختنا قولا عجاب ( فيديو كليب )My Hijab

ـ 11 دليلاً على صحة الإسلام

ـ عقوبة ( الزاني والزانية ) في الأخرة ـ كما رأها النبيﷺ

ـ أنشودة :💖 زوجتي ملاك💖 ( فيديو كليب )nasheed My wife is an angel

ـ ياجبريل تضيع أمتي الصلاة . .!! { فخلف من بعدهم خلف أضاعوا الصلاة }

ـ يامن عصيت الله يوما غافلا ــ أنشودة جميلة ـ فيديو كليب[HD] أداء عبد الله المهداوي

ـ ظهور المهدي .. قريبا جدًا (وأننا في أخر الزمان ) ، دلالات وإشارات

ـ نهاية العالم : وصف رائع لأحداث القيامة 😢 ستبكي على حالك ـ The day of judgement

ـ ماهر زين | video clip نشيد الجنة : ( باللغة الإنجليزية ـ Maher Zain - Jannah (English

ـ أحاديث الفتن : النبي محمد ﷺ يحذر أمته من ( فتن أخر الزمان )

ـ النشيد المبكى (فرشى التراب) ـ فيديو كليب جديد 2018 ـ Life In The Grave ـ Beautiful nasheed

ـ من هو الله ؟ من أجمل ماسمعت ..ستبكي عينك من معرفته


قال رسول اللهﷺ"‏ إِنَّ الدَّالَّ عَلَى الْخَيْرِ كَفَاعِلِهِ ‏"‏ - حديث صحيح

"Whoever leads to good, he is like the one who does it." - Authentic Narration

ادعمنا بإعجابك، وتعليقك، ونشرك لمقاطعنا لتشاركنا اﻷجر بإذن الله تعالى

Support us with your Like, Comment & Share our videos to share with us the reward In sha Allah.
نسمح للجميع بترجمة أعمالنا ونشرها مع الإحتفاظ بشعار القناة وإدراج الرابط الخاص بنا في صندوق الوصف.

We allow anyone to translate our content and re-share with keeping our logo in the videos and adding the channel link in description box.

ذكر الله ، الذاكرون الله كثيرا ، الدعاء المستجاب ، دعوة ، أذكار الصباح ، حديث نبوي ، علامات الساعة ، غزة ، الشام ، القدس
نشيد ، أنشودة ، أغنية ، أغاني ، ماهر زين ، القرآن ، مشاري العفاسي ، أجمل الأصوات ، قلوب خاشعة ، التدبر ، التأمل
الخشوع في الصلاة ، رمضان ، مسابقة القرآن ، شباب ، هولندا ، فرنسا ، بريطانيا ، المسلمون الجدد ، السعودية ، مكة ، المدينة
المسلمون الجدد ، نطق الشهادة ، أجمل اللحظات ، السعادة ، حب ، إيمان ، التقوى ، الدعاة إلى الله ، المسلمات الجدد

#الاسلام #muslims
British read quran cryReciting Quran in London
convert to Islam
Best Quran Recitation in the World
Beautiful Voice | Amazing Quran Recitation
nasheed beautiful
تلاوة مؤثرة | Surah taha Breathtaking Beautiful Quran Recitation
Youngest convert to Islam
Islam Change my Life || Convert to Islam || Reverts to Islam || from Christian to Muslim
Women Emotional Shahada
Women Accepts Islam
لحظات رهيبة لأجانب ينطقون الشهادة الله اكبر
Emotional Woman Cries Shahadah
shahada #revert #shortfeed #newmuslim #convert #faithjourney
Don't Cry😢While Watching This Video.!! Emotional Shahada Convert To Islam Revert To Muslim

2.9K 177


أجمل لحظات نطق الشهادة☝️أبكت النساء😢 في أوروبا وأمريكا / Women crying when converting to Islam

Why I Chose Islam Channel June 21, 2024 5:00 pm

I hated Muslims. Now I’m Muslim. (My Revert Story)

Why I Chose Islam Channel March 2, 2025 1:58 am

A Young Convert Explains Why He Became a Muslim | Ibrahim, New Revert

Why I Chose Islam Channel March 31, 2024 6:36 pm

Ramadan TV New Muslim Stories Muhammad Amin

Why I Chose Islam Channel August 19, 2018 2:26 pm

If you enjoyed the video please share it with your loved ones and leave a thumbs up. Tell us what you think about this video. And if you still haven’t subscribed to our channel, what are you waiting for? 🙂Haroon's Youtube: can help us make more and better quality Islamic content:
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►WhatsApp: +90 536 777 51 02Do you wanna learn some practical Islamic information?
So, you can check our online education! It's totally Free!
Apple: you wanna learn read Qur'an?
So, you can check our online education! It's totally Free!
Apple: is our 5 Alive App. You can start praying 5 times a day with it.
Apple: can start with a different language, but it has an English option. 👍🏻😊
Download and start your journey. 🙋🏻‍♂️00:00 Intro
01:06 What was the thing that made you question your beliefs?
01:31 How did you first hear about Islam?
02:12 What was the think that made you question your beliefs?
03:04 Can you tell us about your journey from Christianity to Islam?
6:39 And your family, how was their reaction?
9:28 What was the major change for you after becoming a muslim?
10:10 Can you tell us about an unforgettable event  that happened in the Da'wah Center?
13:45 How did 9/11 affect your life and what kind of difficulties
19:04 What did you do after going through all these difficulties? Did you return back to the US?
21:34 Is America a suitable place to live your religion for you and your family?
25:40 If someone is curious about Islam, how should that person search about this religion?
26:26 What is the quality of Prophet Muhammad (sav)  that impressed you the most?
27:19 What would you like to say as your final comments?

If you enjoyed the video please share it with your loved ones and leave a thumbs up. Tell us what you think about this video. And if you still haven’t subscribed to our channel, what are you waiting for? 🙂

You can help us make more and better quality Islamic content:
►WhatsApp: +90 536 777 51 02

Haroon's Youtube:

00:00 Intro
01:06 What was the thing that made you question your beliefs?
01:31 How did you first hear about Islam?
02:12 What was the think that made you question your beliefs?
03:04 Can you tell us about your journey from Christianity to Islam?
6:39 And your family, how was their reaction?
9:28 What was the major change for you after becoming a muslim?
10:10 Can you tell us about an unforgettable event that happened in the Da'wah Center?
13:45 How did 9/11 affect your life and what kind of difficulties
19:04 What did you do after going through all these difficulties? Did you return back to the US?
21:34 Is America a suitable place to live your religion for you and your family?
25:40 If someone is curious about Islam, how should that person search about this religion?
26:26 What is the quality of Prophet Muhammad (sav) that impressed you the most?
27:19 What would you like to say as your final comments?

My dear akhi/ukhti, we are living in hard times. Everyday we are being in a trouble with something... Problems can come from Marriage, School, Money, Work, Psychology and some other stuff. And, you see life is so short. Everyday more then 300.000 people are dying on world. Maybe we can be one of them in next hour... Everything could happen. Why I'm telling these? Because, these are so common things and reality of life and I know some solutions for these. The solution for all is improving your Iman. But, how?
There's a short way for this! We have an Islamic Learning Application which is named Eternal Life Academy 🙂 If you are with me, and if you want to take your guard against whole these say me that "I'm starting today." :)) (It's totally FREE!)
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WhatsApp: +90 536 777 51 02
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66.2K 4.1K


''FBI Is Here! What Have You Done?" - The Story Of An American Missionary Who Converted To Islam

Why I Chose Islam Channel September 3, 2022 3:05 pm